伊朗女人: 謙誠罩衫,就如珍珠在貝殼裡



伊斯蘭女性的頭巾,以前曾經讓我感到神祕與害怕,直到進伊朗要全程帶頭巾的經驗,並且,在伊朗看到一幅算是 [廣告] 的壁畫後,除了比較了解伊朗女性頭巾包法獨特之外,對包頭巾內涵,除了重男輕女、女性地位問題的說法之外,增加新的一些看法。

直到現在,在伊斯蘭旅行時,有機會時會詢問穆斯林朋友,她們對這個 [廣告] 說法的意見。意外的是,除了伊朗少部分人知道這種說法之外,許多人根本沒聽過也不清楚有這個說法。多數女性只是文化與信仰傳統,代代承襲。


圖中的字句是這樣寫的:A woman modestly dressed is as a pearl in it’s (its?)shell。



Mawla Ya Salli Wa Sallim~ Ahbab al Mustafa(arabic & english phrases)

A woman modestly dressed is as a pearl in it’s (its?)shell
Author: Unknown

You look at me and call me oppressed
Simply because of the way I’m dressed
You know me not for what is inside
You judge the clothing I wear with pride
My body is not for your eyes to hold
You must speak to my mind, not my feminine mould
I’m an individual; I’m not a man’s slave
It’s Allah’s pleasure that I only crave
I have a voice so I will be heard
For in my heart I carry His word
“O ye women, wrap close your cloak
So you won’t be bothered by ignorant folk”
Man doesn’t tell me to dress this way
It’s law from Allah that I obey
Oppressed is something I’m truly not
For liberation is what I’ve got
It was given to me many years ago
With the right to prosper, the right to grow
I can climb mountains or cross the seas
Expand my mind in all degrees
For Allah Himself gave us liberty
When He sent Islam, to you and me……….